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Academic Offences: Academic Integrity

BU students Valerie, Ellie, Jessica and Cormac talk about what academic integrity means to them, how to avoid committing an academic offence and where to get help when they need it.

Academic Offences Quiz

Quiz: Academic Offences

  • Test your understanding of academic offences
  • We recommend allowing 10-15 minutes to complete this

[Released 6th July 2021]

Penalties for Academic Offences

If you are found guilty of committing an academic offence you may face one of the following penalties -

  • Have to resubmit an assignment.
  • Have to repeat a whole unit - this may involve paying extra for the repeated unit, on top of your existing fees.
  • Have to repeat the entire academic year - this will involve extra fee payment.
  • In the most severe cases you may be asked to withdraw from the course completely and lose all of your credits.
  • Have a note added to your student record. This may affect your ability to practice in certain professions, such as health and law, after you graduate. 

Consult the Academic Offences Policy and Procedure for Taught Awards for more detailed information.