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Bibliometrics and Citation Searching: Article-level metrics

Scopus and Web of Science

Most of the information listed here can be found on Scopus and Web of Science, which can be accessed via the alphabetical list of library resources:

Remember to choose the off-campus link when working outside Bournemouth University facilities.

Citation count

This is the number of citations a document has accumulated since publication.

This information can be found in the following databases:

  • Web of Science
  • Scopus


Google scholar

Google Scholar counts the number of citations for specific articles.

Field-weighted citation impact

The Field-Weighted Citaction impact (FWCI) is calculated by dividing the number of citations of an article by the number of citations expected within a field or discipline.

This information can be found on:

  • Scopus

Percentile benchmark

This metric compares documents of same age and discipline over an 18-month period.

This information can be found on:

  • Scopus