mySearch is an interface which allows you to search across a range of library resources simultaneously, including books, journal articles and databases.
All ResourcesBooksJournal Articles
Academic Search Ultimate
Subject Coverage: science, social science, education, psychology, language and linguistics, arts and literatur
Size/scope: over 13,000 titles
Type of content: journal articles, book reviews, conference proceedings
Level of access: full text of over 8,500 titles.
The contents of this database are included in mySearch
Communication Source
Subject coverage: communication studies, mass media, journalism
Size/scope: over 1000 journal titles
Type of content: journal articles, encyclopaedias, handbooks
Level of access: full text of over 600 journals.
Web of Science
Subject coverage: arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences
Size/scope: citation databases that allow searching for a specific article by subject, author, journal or author address. It is also possible to search for articles that cite a known author or work Web of Science consists of:
Science Citation Index 1899-present
Social Sciences Citation Index 1898-present
Arts & Humanities Citation Index 1975-present
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science 1990-present
Biosis Previews Archive 1969-2008
Medline 1950-present
Journal Citation Reports
Type of content: academic journal article
Date range: 1945-
Scopus is the Industry Standard database for Academic Publications and is used in the UK Higher Education Research Excellence Framework to assess the impact of Academic Journals, Papers and Authors.
The database can be used in the same way as any other research database to find relevant academic papers. However, Scopus can also be used to track where research has been referenced in other papers both before and since the paper has been written. It also gives you more in depth profiles of authors and journals.
Subject coverage: multidisciplinary database
Size/scope: 1,500 academic journals indexed
Type of content: academic journal article
Date range: 1780-
Level of access: some full text available.
Project Muse
Subject coverage: articles from journals in the humanities from many of the world's leading university presses and scholarly societies