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Academic Skills Workshops: Reflective writing

How to write reflectively

This How to write reflectively workshop helps explain what reflective writing is, considers key characteristics of this academic skill along with the differences between descriptive and reflective writing. It introduces Gibbs' reflective cycle (1988) and shows how to link reflective writing with evidence from academic sources.


[15 mins 21 seconds]

Note: In this video any referencing of sources in extracts is according the BU Harvard style instructions guide.

You can find a copy of the PowerPoint for this workshop, and links to explore this topic further, below.

            Recording above signposts you to a range of reflective learning models on the Academic Skills Hub in Brightspace.

            Recording above instructs you to watch the first four minutes of this video.

            This resource from the University of Edinburgh introduces various reflective models with examples.

Descriptive vs. evaluative writing

This Descriptive vs. evaluative writing workshop will help you understand the importance of evaluation and distinguish it from descriptive writing. It will also guide you in integrating evaluative writing into your paragraphs and familiarise you with effective phrases which facilitate the process of evaluation.


[13 minutes 5 seconds]

For more on this topic, visit Reflective writing.

You can find a copy of the PowerPoint for this workshop below.