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History: Research Databases


mySearch is an interface which allows you to search across a range of library resources simultaneously, including books, journal articles and databases.

Communication Source

Scholarly journal articles from over 1000 titles including:

  • Film History
  • Media History
  • Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television

Migration to New Worlds

Migration to the New World and Australasia between 1800 and 1924.

  • Over 250,000 images.

  • Colonial Office files on emigration, diaries and travel journals, ship logs and plans, printed literature, objects, watercolours, and oral histories.

The Times Digital Archive

  • Subject coverage: news
  • Size/scope: an excellent resource for historical and biographical research. TDA provides a full facsimile of The Times enabling you to see the pages as they were published. The paper of record, it is an authoritative source of contemporary reporting and commentary on events for the past 200 years
  • Type of content: newspaper articles
  • Date range: 1785-2019
  • Level of access: full text available.

​The contents of this database are included in mySearch

Can be selected using advanced search in mySearch

Academic Search Ultimate

Journal articles, book reviews, conference proceedings from over 8,500 titles. Including:

  • History ​
  • Journal of Transport History
  • Social History
  • Military History


Scholarly journals, eBooks and Primary sources in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences including

  • The Journal of Modern History
  • Eighteenth-Century Studies 
  • Cambridge Historical Journal
  • History and Theory
  • Past and Present

Project Muse

Scholarly journals, eBooks and Primary sources in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences including

  • Eighteenth-Century Studies 
  • Journal of Victorian Culture
  • Victorian Studies

Web of Science

Citation databases that allow searching for a specific article by subject, author, journal or author address. It is also possible to search for articles that cite a known author or work

Web of Science consists of:

  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index 1975-present
  • Social Sciences Citation Index 1898-present
  • Science Citation Index 1899-present
  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science 1990-present
  • Biosis Previews Archive 1969-2008
  • Medline 1950-present
  • Journal Citation Reports and Essential Science Indicators