When you compile your integrated thesis, you will need to interfile manuscripts where you are the author/co-author, within your written text. This will need to be done according to Bournemouth University's 8A Code of Practice for Research Degrees (Policy, Procedure and Guidelines) and also in line with copyright assigned by a publisher. Depending on whether a manuscript is published or in preparation for publication, you will need to insert an appropriate version (see the Quick Reference section for definitions of terminology below).
Published works:
Works accepted for publication but not yet published:
Works not yet submitted for review:
The tabs in this section give examples of how to insert different manuscript types into your integrated thesis. In general there are 3 inserted sections, repeated around each manuscript you insert.
Text body of your thesis
Introduction to inserted manuscript
Citation + Indication of copyright (if published)
Inserted manuscript
Expand on manuscript if required, e.g., more detail on method section
Text body of your thesis
[Text body of your thesis]
[Introduction to manuscript]
[Citation + indication of copyright]
Albisser, A., Schweinhardt, P., Bussières, A. and Baechler, M., 2022. Self-reported attitudes, skills and use of evidence-based practice among Swiss chiropractors: a national survey. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 30 (1), 59. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12998-022-00462-0
Article published under a [include the licence assigned to the manuscript, e.g. CC BY 4.0] (the article will usually have the licence printed somewhere on it, see bottom of the image below as an example)
[Inserted manuscript]
[Expand on manuscript if required, e.g., more detail on method section]
[Text body of your thesis]
Because the VoR in this example requires subscription access, you would normally include the AAM instead (see relevant tab). It might be possible to obtain permission from the publisher, to insert the Version of Record, if you contact them directly. If you do receive permission, you should prefix the manuscript with a statement from the publisher indicating copyright, e.g. reproduced with permission of... and indicating copyright assigned by the publisher.
[Text body of your thesis]
[Introduction to manuscript]
[Citation + indication of copyright]
[Expand on manuscript if required, e.g., more detail on method section]
[Text body of your thesis]
Please do not include the VoR if you do not have permission for us to upload, as we would need to permanently restrict access to that section; you should use the AAM instead.
[Text body of your thesis]
[Introduction to manuscript]
[Citation + indication of copyright]
(Example for a journal article) Surname/Family Name, INITIALS., Year. Title of journal article. Title of Academic Journal Publication, Volume number and (part number or issue number or date), Page numbers or e-number of article (if available). DOI
Article published under a [include the licence assigned to the manuscript, e.g. CC BY NC 4.0]*
[Expand on manuscript if required, e.g., more detail on method section]
[Text body of your thesis]
[Text body of your thesis]
[Introduction to manuscript]
[Expand on manuscript if required, e.g., more detail on method section]
[Text body of your thesis]
Please do not adapt a published manuscript, whether it is a Version of Record or the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM). If you are asked or would like to expand on the content, please do so as a postscript after the inserted manuscript. Although in some instances copyright assigned to a manuscript would permit this, it makes it much harder for us to process.
Please include references associated to a manuscript with them, as opposed to interfiling them with the references list at the end of the thesis.
Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM)
The final author generated copy of an article, including corrections requested as part of peer review, but excluding editing and typesetting by the publisher
Gold Open Access
The publisher version of an article is made accessible to anyone online in full text, without subscription, from the point of publication.
Green Open Access
The final author generated copy of an article, including corrections requested as part of peer review, but excluding editing and typesetting by the publisher, is made accessible to anyone in full text, possibly after an embargo period. This version is usually know as the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM).
The version of a manuscript you send to a publisher for review
Version of Record (VoR)
Final publisher produced version of a manuscript, e.g. article or chapter. This may be published Gold Open Access or require access via a subscription.
Please remember to fill in all the details requested in the 4A Depost of and Access to a Thesis form, especially information that applies to integrated theses.