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Literature Reviews: Health: PRISMA flowchart

Levels 6/7 Health and Social Sciences Students (except Sociology, Criminology, Social Anthropology - direct those students to the Social Sciences subject guide)

Look at the 'check your progress' box at the bottom of this page to make sure you have completed all the steps for this stage of your search.

Below are two documents you can use for your literature review: a blank PRISMA template and a worked example. 

Use the interactive diagram and watch videos below (the video titled 'Removing duplicate results in EBSCOhost' helps with step B on the interactive diagram).

The interactive diagram below details the steps you need work through to complete your PRISMA.

Video: Completing a PRISMA flowchart (7 mins)

Video: Removing duplicate results in EBSCOhost (2 mins)

Check your progress

Stage of your search Things to remember
Have you recorded all the numbers for the stages of your search?
  • Have the full total of all the results, and show you you have worked with the results step by step to get down to the specific number of articles you are writing about.
  • Remember to record the names of the databases you looked in.
Have you checked you are using the right PRISMA boxes for each step of your search?
  • Go back through the example at the top of this page and check all the links
  • Remember mySearch is NOT a database, it’s a federated search engine which searches over 80+ databases simultaneously. If you click on 'Databases' on the left hand side of the mySearch screen you will see which databases have returned results.