Company Information
- FAME - UK company reports
- Orbis Europe - European company reports
- ORBIS Bank Focus - accounts for major international banks
- Capital IQ - company accounts and share prices for a range of international companies
- Company Profiles - Datamonitor and Life Science Analytics company profiles available via Business Source Complete. Worldwide coverage.
Marketing / Industry Reports
- Statista - Access to more than 1 million statistics, 60,000 reports and 1000+ market insights with data covering 170 industries and 150 countries. Topics include a wide range of industries, economies, companies, countries, consumers, sports, technology, advertising, health, environment, and tourism.
- Mintel - market research reports - access userguides and tutorials here
- Passport (Euromonitor International) - international company data and industry reports
- MarketLine Industry Profiles (available via Business Source Ultimate) - Up to date industry profiles by industry name and code. Search "industry profile" and your desired industry keywords.