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Placement PAL Central: Placement PAL Facilitation Course

This is a guide for Placement PAL Leaders.

Pay form

In order to be paid for the Facilitation Course, you need to download the pay claim template below.

Once completed, please email the claim to in Excel format.

We recommend you retain a copy of your pay claim for your own records.

The only details on this claim you will need to complete are:

  • Name
  • Faculty
  • Month you completed the course
  • Dates you completed the course
  • Signature (typed name)
  • Date you submit the pay claim

Please ensure this is sent to us by the 1st of the following month (submit by 1st October if completing the course in September)

Employee and Occupancy numbers

You won't have been sent your employee and occupancy number yet so don't worry about filling in that part of the form, you can send us your timesheet without them! 

We will be sending out post/employee numbers to you via your student email as soon as we have received them. 

When you submit your pay claims for your Placement PAL sessions, you will need to include your post and employee number which will have been sent to you by the Central PAL Team.