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Social Work: Topical web resources

Subject guide for social work
This page includes a by no means exhaustive list of sources that you might find relevant to your studies. They are grouped thematically and will hopefully get you thinking about these topics. They are to be used in conjunction with the books and journals guidance provided earlier in this guide, and sources included on your reading lists.

Addiction  |  Adoption and Fostering  |  Adults  |  Ageing  |  Case reviews  |  Children  |  Criminology  |  Disabilities  |  Domestic Violence  |  Drugs  |  Ethics  |  Fostering   |  Government departments  |  Homelessness  |  Human rights  |  Learning disabilities  |  Legal information  |  Mental health  |   Policing |  Policy |  Poverty  |  Prisons  |  Professional resources  |  Research ethics  |  Research methods  |  Slavery / Trafficking  |  Social theory  |  Society  |  Sociology  |  Terrorism  |  War  

Fostering (see: Adoption and Fostering)

Legal information

BU law resource list

EurLex (Access to EU law)

The jurudicial and Law (blog)

Legislation (UK)


The Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research (University of Bristol)

The Trussell Trust (food banks - charity)

Research ethics

BU research blog

Research ethics (youtube video)

Serious case reviews (see Case reviews)

Addiction  |  Adoption and Fostering  |  Adults  |  Ageing  |  Case reviews  |  Children  |  Criminology  |  Disabilities  |  Domestic Violence  |  Drugs  |  Ethics  |  Fostering   |  Government departments  |  Homelessness  |  Human rights  |  Learning disabilities  |  Legal information  |  Mental health  |   Policing |  Policy |  Poverty  |  Prisons  |  Professional resources  |  Research ethics  |  Research methods  |  Slavery / Trafficking  |  Social theory  |  Society  |  Sociology  |  Terrorism  |  War