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Psychology: Find Web resources

Library subject guide for Psychology

Some main websites

AHP: Advances in the History of Psychology. A news and notes aggregator, which keeps you noitfied of resources, publications, conferences and other events of interest to students and researchers. There's also commentary and guest posts on various issues. 

Psychology Resources Around the World: Resources listed by country, region or resource type. Good for finding out about conferences and national standards and asssociations. 

Social Psychology Network: comprehensive site with resources for research and teaching.

Oxford Science Blog: details of the latest developments and projects. 

Research Digest: a blog about brain and behavious. 

BrainFacts: Set up by various NGO's this site shares updates on the most recent research in neuroscience. 

Oxford Clinical Psychology Videos: List of videos on YouTube on the work being done at Oxford on experimental psychology. 

The Whole Brain Atlas: MR images of each area of the brain. 

APA - American Psychological Association: Links to the Society's events, style and publications, as well as news resources for latest research developments. 

BNA: British Neuroscience Association. This includes a link to further online resources selected by the BNA Council and Committee. 

BABCP (British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies): 

Experimental Psychology Society: We have full access to this society's journal at BU, but this site has a good news page to find out about forthcoming events and conferences. 

The DANA Foundation: Links tand posts about research into the brain, with short pieces on the most up to date work. 

Social Media

These are useful general resources for using social media for academic work and research. 

  • A-Z of social media for academia: The Times guide for using social media for university work.
  • Social Media: a guide for researchers: Looks at the ways researchers can use social media in their research.
  • Student Guide to Social Media: Not about using psychology resources: Looks at the most common sociaql media toosl and helps you to navigate and get the best our of them. Developed by the Universities of Manchester, Leeds and York. 

Search engines for research

Is Google the only way to search the web?

It has its uses, but here are some other search engines you can use, some of which may be much more helpful for academic work.

  • Sweetsearch: This is a search engine for students (www.sweetsearch,com). It is limited to good quality authoritative resources, but works just like Google.
  • BASE: Otherwise known as the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine has access to more than 100 million documents, which are to some extent checked for quality by those who run the search engine.
  •  A U.S. site which searches over 60 databases and 2200 websites all with US government science information. 
  • Google Scholar. It's not a bad resource to use, although it doesn't have anywhere near the functionality of mySearch, and you'll find lots of articles you can't access. 
  • Zanran: This search engine is for finding data and statistics. It has examples of popular searches to guide you.