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Referencing - BU Harvard 24-25 Full Guide: Inserting Pictures and Tables (Figures)

Inserting figures (e.g. table, diagram, chart, graph, map, picture, image, illustration, photograph, screenshot etc) in the main text of your work

Inserting and citing figures in the main text of your work:
Here is an example showing how you can insert a figure in your work, followed by the citation e.g.

Table showing statistics

Figure 1: Table showing BU Library and Learning Support Key Performance Indicators 2012-2015 (Bournemouth University 2024)

The source of the table above is a webpage, so page numbers are not included in the citation underneath the figure.

If the figure is taken from a source that has page numbers, include them after the date.

If the figure has been copied from a source, then you have amended it e.g. another axis added to a graph, add ‘amended from’ in the citation underneath e.g.


Figure 2: Comparison of sales data (amended from Smith 2022, p.11)

Referring to figures in the main text of your work:
When referring to figures in the main text of your work use the figure number.

  • e.g. Four years of Bournemouth University Library’s data (Figure 1) shows…
  • e.g. Sales data in Figure 2 highlights an interesting comparison…
  • e.g. Figure 3 shows a photograph (personal collection) of Bournemouth University’s Library…

(Check the Example essay which shows an example of how a photo is inserted as a figure).

Referencing your personal photographs or diagrams:

Figure 1: Photograph of xxxxxxxxx (personal collection 2023)    

However do not include it in your Reference list as it is unpublished.

Referencing a figure at the end of your work:
If the source of the figure is not your own (e.g. a photograph you have taken, or, primary data you gathered for your dissertation/final project), so it has been obtained from another source, then you should include full reference to it in the list at the end of your work. Reference it according to the type of source it is taken from e.g. if the figure is an image you found in a book, follow guidance for referencing a book.