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Referencing - BU Harvard 24-25 Full Guide: Tools & Apps

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Referencing generators


  • Always check any autogenerated references created by any tools or apps before submission. If following BU Harvard, check autogenerated references against BU's official instructions (even if a BU Harvard option is offered and you selected it, some fixing and correcting will still be required).
  • There are lots of referencing generator tools and apps available e.g. Zotero, Mendeley, MyBib, RefWorks, RefChef, BibGuru, EasyBib, Cite Them Right, Cite This For Me, Citavi, etc. If you choose to use tools like this be aware that BU only supports Endnote reference management software.
  • Alternatively, you may use 'Cite' autogenerate buttons / options on the database you're using (e.g mySearch, Ebscohost, PubMed, Google Scholar have 'Cite' options for each source).

Guidance: referencing generator tools and apps

If you choose to use any auto-citation options or referencing generator tools or apps you must consider the following:

  • EndNote Web and Endnote Desktop are currently the only referencing tool endorsed and supported by Bournemouth University. Endnote can be set to output references in BU’s version of the Harvard style.
  • Be aware that they vary in quality and ultimately you are responsible for the references you submit. Always check and correct references before submission if you create them using any online tools or apps.
  • Poor referencing from online reference tools and apps may affect your marks or, in serious cases, may contribute to academic offences (plagiarism).
  • Unsupported tools and apps may not be regularly updated.Using them carries a risk that support may be withdrawn without notice and you may lose your stored references.
  • BU Library Teams provide guidance and advice for referencing, including 1-2-1 appointments.
  • BU’s guidance on how to avoid plagiarism and the Academic Skills Hub in Brightspace.

Endnote Web and Desktop

  • EndNote is reference management software that helps you organise sources you find when researching. Any student, researcher, or member of staff can use Endnote web (online version). There is also a desktop version that we recommend may be more useful for BU staff or PhD researchers (both versions of Endnote can be synchronised).
  • Endnote also autogenerates reference lists and works with Microsoft Word to insert citations and reference lists. Always check the references that EndNote creates before submission. References are autogenerated from metadata that may be improperly coded. The official referencing style guidelines for Harvard(BourneU) are located here: BU Harvard instructions.