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Photography: Newspapers and magazines


Newspapers and magazines are great sources of inspiration and photojournalism!


Press Reader

PressReader is a platform with access to thousands of newspapers and magazines as they appear in the print versions.

Includes magazines dedicated to photography, art, wildlife, food & drink, fashion, sports and many more!

The Guardian

Full-facsimile access to The Guardian as it appears in the print version from 2010 to the present day (minus a short embargo period).

Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni is our main full-text newspaper and magazine database with coverage of local, regional, national and international titles.

Financial Times -

The Financial Times is an international daily newspaper with a special emphasis on business and economic news.

Includes access to the reproduction of the printed edition with all the images included.

The Times Digital Archive

Full-facsimile access to The Times as it appears in the printed version from 1785 to 2019.