- Peer reviewed journal articles form a key part of your research at university. As with books, you will find them on your reading lists but you will also need to search for them independently. The best way to do this is to search a subject database or use a tool to look into lots of subject databases at the same time.
- EBSCOhost allows you to search across a range of different databases containing different resource types and is a good starting point when looking for peer reviewed journal articles (remember to limit your search to 'peer reviewed')
The best way to undertake a successful search is to fill in a Search Planning Form before you start. This does not need to be time consuming. To learn the basics about finding articles with EBSCOhost, view the tutorial on the left about designing a database search.
The following databases are a selection of those provided through EBSCOhost; you can search one or multiple databases (see the EBSCOhost video) - note: there will be some overlap but you can remove duplicates.
The databases below are useful but provided separately.
Databases are designed to help you find what has been written, not just what is available in full text. Always look out for the full text limiter (usually a tick box) which will narrow your search to just the content you are able to access immediately in full text.
Example: EBSCOhost full text limiter:
From L6 onwards you are eligible for free inter library loans (supplied to us via the British Library) through our inter library loan service.
Note also the peer reviewed limiter