This page includes a by no means exhaustive list of sources that you might find relevant to your studies. They are grouped thematically and will hopefully get you thinking about these topics. They are to be used in conjunction with the books and journals guidance provided earlier in this guide, and sources included on your reading lists.
Aid | Anthropology | Asylum | Children | Communities | Criminology | Culture | Disabilities | Equality of rights / suffrage | Ethics | Employment | Finance | Globalisation | Gender | Health | Homelessness | Human rights | Legal information | Philosophy | Policing | Politics | Poverty | Prisons | Research ethics | Research methods | Slavery / Trafficking | Social theory | Society | Sociology | Terrorism | War
Action with Communities in Rural England (charity)
Building safe, active communities (report, UK)
British Society of Criminology
Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (UK)
Crime and justice statistics (Office for National Statistics)
The Centre for Criminal Justice Studies (University of Leeds)
Hate Crime Annual Report 2016–17 (UK)
Ministry of Justice (UK)
Partnership for Conflict, Crime & Security Research (University of Bath)
The Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research
Stop and think: A critical review of the use of stop and search powers in England and Wales
Action on Hearing Loss (charity)
Directgov disability portal (UK)
Disability Action (charity)
Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities (charity)
mencap (charity)
Ouch: Disability talk (BBC)
Road to equality (Celebrating the stories behind 100 years of women's rights in the UK)
100 women (BBC news)
Beyond Gender Mainstreaming: what’s changed since Beijing 1995? (opinion piece - Oxfam)
Book Review: The Meaning of Matrimony: Debating Same Sex Marriage by Anastasia de Waal
Gender mainstreaming (UN women)
Malala Yousafzai speech in full (Malala Yousafzai address to the United Nations)
Fuuse. Banaz a love story (documentary about an honor killing)
The Thrill Is Gone – Modern Men Less Likely To Take Risks Than Their Fathers Were (opinion piece)
Where’s the best place to be a woman? (BBC news story)
Shelter (charity)
Amnesty International (charity)
Equality and Human Rights Commission (UK)
European Network on Statelessness (charity)
Human rights reports (U.S. department of State)
Human Rights Watch (charity)
Universal declaration of human rights (United Nations)
Tales from the Jungle - Margaret Mead
Centre for Policy Studies (UK think tank)
ElectionGuide (International Foundation for Electoral Systems)
Institute of Economic Affairs (UK think tank)
IPPR (UK think tank)
The Townsend Centre for International Poverty Research (University of Bristol)
The Trussell Trust (food banks - charity)
Howard League for Penal Reform (charity)
Research ethics (youtube video)
Research methods
7 tips for good survey questions (youtube video)
10 Step Guide to Questionnaire Design by RCU (youtube video)
Interpretive Frameworks for Qualitative Research (youtube video)
Ontology, Epistemology, Methodology and Methods in Research Simplified! (youtube video)
Q4 questionnaire design (how to make questions much more informative and easier to answer) (youtube video)
Qualitative analysis of interview data: A step-by-step guide (youtube video)
Qualitative data analysis (youtube video)
Understanding descriptive and inferential statistics (youtube video)
Univariate Analysis (youtube video)
Forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking
Centre for the Study of Modern Slavery (UK)
Modern slavery (CPS report - UK)
It happens here: Equipping the United Kingdom to fight modern slavery (report)
Stolen freedom: the policing response to modern slavery and human trafficking (report)
Violence against women and girls (CPS report)
Social theory
Social Care Institute for Excellence (UK)
State of the nation (reports UK)
British Sociological Association
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Research Catalogue
European Sociological Association
Social Science Research Council (SSRC)
Social Theory (collected works of major social thinkers)
Global Policy Forum - humanitarian intervention
International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect (ICRtoP)
Is humanitarian war the exception
The Syrian crisis: a reckoning (nonprofit public policy organization)
To solve mass violence, look to the locals (TED talk - video)
UN: Seventy years of changing the world (BBC)
United Nations Office on Genocide Preventionand the Responsibility to Protect
United National Peacekeeping - department of peace operations