Eligibility is limited to the corresponding author who is linked to the grant holding or funding institution.
Please use your institutional email address in the submission process. To qualify research must be funded by: a UK Research Council (AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC, MRC, STFC, NERC), British Heart Foundation, Blood Cancer UK, Cancer Research UK, Parkinsons UK, Versus Arthritis or the Wellcome Trust. Type of article: original research articles.
Coverage: Original articles reporting primary research (not reviews, commentaries or rapid communications) in 28 subscription journals
Creative Commons Licence: CC-BY
Journal titles
Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases
Archives of Disease in Childhood
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Education & Practice edition
Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal & Neonatal edition
BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
BMJ Quality and Safety
British Journal of Ophthalmology
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Emergency Medicine Journal
Evidence-Based Mental Health
Evidence-Based Nursing
Frontline Gastroenterology
Injury Prevention
Journal of Clinical Pathology
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Journal of Medical Ethics
Journal of Medical Genetics
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Medical Humanities
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Postgraduate Medical Journal
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Medical Humanities
Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Postgraduate Medical Journal
Practical Neurology
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Tobacco Control
See the BMJ's landing page for authors, or the publisher webpage for more details
If you have any further queries, please email
We have a new Read and Publish deal with Cambridge. By entering the location and institution you will see the publishing agreement as below and also have links to eligible journals.
To be eligible, articles must:
Coverage: Research and review papers in most subscription (hybrid) journals, including Cell Press and Lancet journals. See Elsevier's participating journal search.
In non-Cell Press/Lancet journals, the following additional article types are covered: Case Reports, Data in Brief, Microarticle, Original Software Publication, Protocol, Replication Study, Short Communication, Short Survey, Video Article, Practice Guideline.
How to use the agreement: The submitting corresponding author must be affiliated with BU. When you submit, use your BU affiliation and email address. This allows Elsevier to identify your paper as eligible for the agreement. After acceptance, you will receive an email with a link to the 'post-acceptance author journey', where you should select the open access publishing option. The Open Access Team will be notified of your request, and will check that your paper is eligible before approving it.
Publication charges: A small number of economics, finance and accounting journals charge submissions fees, which are reinvested back into the community. Further information on submission fees is available.
A limited number of society-owned journals charge mandatory editorial page fees in addition to APCs. These charges are charged separately, directly to the author.
Licence: Elsevier offers a choice of Creative Commons (CC) licences. Note that research funders require authors to choose CC BY.
From 1 April 2022, all BU corresponding authors will no longer need to pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) for publishing with
as BU has signed up to the JISC PLOS flat fee agreement.
In order to benefit from this agreement, it is important that you properly self-identity during the submission process to be recognised as eligible for this agreement.
See details in this blog post.
Any queries please contact
Flat Fees: Institutions have partnered with PLOS to eliminate or significantly reduce their researchers' publication expenses through an annual flat fee. Existing Flat Fee agreements apply to all publications in PLOS ONE, PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Digital Health, PLOS Genetics, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, and PLOS Pathogens* through an annual flat fee. At their descretion, institutions may choose to set up an author surcharge for each publication. Any applicable surcharge will be noted under the institution's name below.
*Our current Flat Fee partners are automatically included in CAP for PLOS Sustainability and Transformation, as well as the Global Equity model for PLOS Climate, PLOS Global Public Health, and PLOS Water. Researchers at these institutions will not face publication fees at these journals.
Learn more about Flat Fee Agreements here
BU authors can now publish open access in 900+ SAGE subscription journals at no extra cost.
The UK Jisc Agreement, open to all UK institutions who are members of the consortium, will run between 2020 and 2022.
Corresponding authors publishing an article in 900+ subscription journals in the current SAGE Premier package, as well as in the IMechE Journal Collection and the Royal Society of Medicine Collection can now publish open access, free of charge. Eligible journals are those which offer hybrid open access publishing (SAGE Choice).
Please check with Open Access if you are unsure whether your journal is included.
Authors in subscription journals do not need to take any action to benefit from this offer – SAGE will contact all eligible authors to inform them of the Open Access agreement with Jisc and to invite them to the SAGE Open Access Portal to take up the offer as soon as their accepted article has been received into SAGE’s Production department.
Gold open access journals: Corresponding authors publishing an article in a Sage gold open access journal are entitled to a 20% discount on the prevailing article processing charge (APC). This is available on 150+ pure Gold journals a list of which are available here.
Where an author is eligible for more than one discount, discounts cannot be combined but the highest discount available to the author will be automatically applied to the APC due.
Further information on the agreement and gold open access journals can be found here.
If you have any further queries, please email
BU’s Springer Compact agreement allows all BU corresponding authors to publish Gold open access in Springer subscription ('hybrid') journals that offer CC BY. Check Springer's hybrid journal list to see whether your journal is included, but note that Nature, BioMed Central and SpringerOpen journals are not included,
The following article types are covered: Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication and Continuing Education.
We do encourage all BU authors to take advantage of this agreement.
After acceptance, Springer will send you a link to their MyPublication form, where you should give your BU e-mail address and affiliation and agree to the open access terms (including CC BY).
If you have any further queries, please email
BU has signed up to a read and publish deal with the Taylor & Francis Group.
Corresponding authors affiliated with participating institutions in the UK are now eligible to publish open access (OA) in Taylor & Francis and Routledge Open Select (hybrid) journals at no cost to themselves. Whilst it is not necessary to pay an Article processing Charge (APC) it is necessary to cover VAT so an application to BU's Open Access publication fund is still required if authors want to publish gold open access.
This transitional agreement between Taylor & Francis Group and the JISC consortium combines continued access to subscription articles with the opportunity to publish OA in around 2,300 Open Select titles.
What are the requirements?
To be eligible, articles must:
Please read the blog post here before applying.
If you have any further queries, please email
BU authors can now publish Open Access in more than 2,000 Wiley journals at no extra cost.
Jisc and Wiley, a global leader in research and education, have struck a four-year “read and publish” agreement that offers researchers at UK universities open access (OA) publishing in all Wiley journals at no cost to them.
As part of the new agreement, the proportion of OA articles published by UK researchers will increase from 27% to an estimated 85% in year one, with the potential to reach 100% by 2022. The agreement will also enable institutions and their users to access all of Wiley’s journals.
This ground-breaking agreement will enable institutions to control the costs of access and OA publishing. It will also support a simplified process for authors and their institutions, enabling compliance with funder mandates and Plan S.
The agreement began in March 2020, and all participating Jisc member institutions and affiliated researchers are eligible.
If you have any further queries, please email