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EndNote desktop guide: Home


Welcome to our EndNote desktop subject guide, which is designed to support our face to face training. We strongly advise you attend a workshop before using the software; courses are made available via the Staff Development & Engagement Events Calendar or the Researcher Development Programme for researchers. If you need any help with EndNote after you have attended training, you will find our contact details in the support section of this guide.

EndNote is one of a number of bibliographic referencing software products available, and is the one we support at the University. It is primarily used for

  • Managing references (particularly large numbers of references)
  • Creating citation/references in documents (6000+ referencing styles available)

Getting EndNote

Windows machines

Apps Anywhere (Windows 10/11 required) - [use this service for accessing EndNote desktop (version 21) using your personal non-work machine or a BU supplied Windows 10/11 machine]

This service allows you to access software on and off campus (depending on license restrictions). It can be used with a personal Windows 10/11 machine or Windows 10/11 machine supplied by BU. EndNote 21 is available for free both on and off campus. Go to this list of log in services and select AppsAnywhere . 

Open Access / Teaching room machines

EndNote 21 is now installed on most of these machines.

Local install (Windows 7) [University supplied office machines or laptops]

We are currently running EndNote X9. If you have an earlier version (or no version at all) please contact BU IT Services for an upgrade, and to remove the earlier version.


Local install [University supplied machines]

We are currently running EndNote 21. You should be able to select EndNote from BU's menu of available software for Macs. Please contact BU IT Services for installation support, and to remove earlier versions supplied by BU.

Local install [Personal machines]

We are currently running EndNote 21. Please contact BU IT Services to support with the installation.

Note: macOS Catalina will not run versions of EndNote earlier than X9.3

Important update with EndNote X9.3

From version X9.3 onwards, EndNote moved from 32bit to 64bit format. This means that if a user opens a library created on a 32 bit version of EndNote, in a 64 bit version, they will be prompted to convert the library. The original 32bit version will be retained, and a new 64bit version created. The 64bit version however is not backwardly compatible with earlier versions of the EndNote application.