It's important to specify in the Data Management Plan (DMP) where data will be deposited at the end of the project for long-term preservation. Some funders will also require you to justify your choice in the DMP. These are some of the issues to consider:
Preferably data will be deposited in a repository recognised and geared towards specific disciplines or data types. This improves its visibility to those more likely to make use of the data for future research.
ExamplesSome funders specify where data they've funded should be deposited. For example, NERC's data policy specifies that funded data should be deposited in a NERC data centre. View funder requirements for further details.
Some publishers have produced guidance to help authors choose appropriate repositories for their data. For example, Springer Nature, PLOS, Taylor & Francis, and Wiley. Individual journals may have their own requirements, so it's important to find the author guidelines for each title.
There are a number of general purpose repositories to choose from. For example:
Where disciplinary specific repositories don't exist, or if your funder doesn't specify where data should be deposited, data can be deposited in BORDaR, BU's research data repository. Even if data is deposited elsewhere, a record should be created in BORDaR linking to the data.