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Social Sciences: Evaluating resources

Subject guide for social science courses: criminology / sociology


Evaluating resources, even if this is only a brief initial assessment, is a key skill to learn. This will help you pick the correct material to include in your assignments and save you time by enabling you to exclude obviously unsuitable material quickly.

The evaluation of materials that we are discussing here is distinct from 'critical appraisal' which makes use of tools such as those made available from Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP).

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Does the information that we consume daily provide us with a balanced crossection of what is hapening in the world? Has anything changed since 2011 when this talk was delivered?

How to Evaluate Resources (the CRAAP Test) by McMaster University Library

The CRAAP test was develped by the Meriam Library at California State University, Chico. The video below is produced by McMaster University Library.

CRAAP - Currency | Relevance | Authority | Accuracy | Purpose

Evaluating Information – Applying the CRAAP Test

The CRAAP test was develped by the Meriam Library at California State University, Chico.

Info graphic summary below taken from UC San Diego

CRAAP test infographic