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Bournemouth University Library
EndNote desktop guide
Video tutorials
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EndNote desktop guide: Video tutorials
Priority - 10 point checklist
Video tutorials
EndNote in the research process
Creating a library
Populating your library
Managing your references
Tips and Tricks
Working with BU Harvard
Using EndNote with Word - Cite While you Write
EndNote online
Two minute tutorials
(made for EndNote 20 but apply to EndNote 21 also)
Getting to know EndNote
1. Essentials
2. Creating a library
3. Backing up a library (essential)
4. Rearranging the layout of a library
5. Permanent and temporary library references
Populating your library
6. Import a file of references
7. Online search
8. Manually create a reference
9. Direct export from a database
10. Import locally saved PDFs
11. Synchronise with an online library
Managing your references
12. Choosing referencing styles
13. Editing a reference
14. Removing duplicates
15. Organising references in groups
16. Adding full text (one reference)
17. Harvesting full text (multiple references)
18. Hyperlinking to articles
Tips and tricks
19. Create a stand alone bibliography
20. Adding extra styles to EndNote, e.g. BU Harvard
21. Synchronise a desktop library with EndNote online
22. Adding 'Term Lists'
Working with Word
23. Selecting a referencing style
24. Adding a citation/reference
25. Removing a citation/reference
26. Editing a citation/reference
27. Working with unformatted citations (necessary when moving paragraphs around in your document)
28. Preparing a document for publishers
Systematic reviews
29. Setting up your library
30. Exporting full searches from databases
31. Sifting references
Priority - 10 point checklist
EndNote in the research process >>