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Bournemouth University Library
EndNote desktop guide
Video tutorials
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EndNote desktop guide: Video tutorials
EndNote in the research process
Have you? - 10 point checklist
EndNote 20 release
Creating a library
Populating your library
Managing your references
Tips and Tricks
Working with BU Harvard
Using EndNote with Word - Cite While you Write
EndNote online
Video tutorials
Archive X9
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Creating a library (EndNote X9)
Getting references into your library (EndNote X9)
Managing your references (EndNote X9)
Tips and Tricks (EndNote X9)
Two minute tutorials
Getting to know EndNote
1. Essentials
2. Creating a library
3. Backing up a library (essential)
4. Rearranging the layout of a library
5. Permanent and temporary library references
Populating your library
6. Import a file of references
7. Online search
8. Manually create a reference
9. Direct export from a database
10. Import locally saved PDFs
11. Synchronise with an online library
Managing your references
12. Choosing referencing styles
13. Editing a reference
14. Removing duplicates
15. Organising references in groups
16. Adding full text (one reference)
17. Harvesting full text (multiple references)
18. Hyperlinking to articles
Tips and tricks
19. Create a stand alone bibliography
20. Adding extra styles to EndNote, e.g. BU Harvard
21. Synchronise a desktop library with EndNote online
22. Adding 'Term Lists'
Working with Word
23. Selecting a referencing style
24. Adding a citation/reference
25. Removing a citation/reference
26. Editing a citation/reference
27. Working with unformatted citations (necessary when moving paragraphs around in your document)
28. Preparing a document for publishers
Systematic reviews
29. Setting up your library
30. Exporting full searches from databases
31. Sifting references
Archive X9 >>