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- This policy is intended to ensure that all BU staff are properly informed about their role in meeting BU’s obligations under the Data Protection Legislation.
- If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or about data protection generally, please email the Central PAL Team at They can advise or seek advice from BU’s Data Protection Officer/Legal Services.
- Data protection is important because it seeks to protect individuals’ privacy rights and requires that their personal information is used in a manner that is fair and lawful.
- You can find the full Data Protection Policy at the bottom of this box
- Below we have summarised the key points in relation to the policy that are relevant within your role as a PAL Leader
Personal Data Definition
- Personal data can be defined as ‘data relating to a living individual who can be identified from:
- that data; or
- that data and other information held, or likely to come into the possession of the data controller
- This may include:
- Names
- Addresses
- Dates of birth
- Expressions of opinion
- Identification numbers (such as student ID numbers)
- Location data
Data Protection Actions
- Secure Sharepoint registers are set up by the Central PAL Team for individual PAL Leaders with the data of their students. Therefore, you should not be storing alternative copies of registers or other data on your own computers/devices.
- If you have any data open on a computer/device that you are using, please ensure they are locked and secured when not in use.
- Should you have paper copies of your registers that have been updated on Sharepoint, please ensure you dispose of the data responsibly and securely. You can ask either the Central PAL Team or the Library Help Zone to have documents safely disposed of for you.
- You should not keep any more information than is necessary about your students. The Sharepoint contains their name and student ID. You should not retain any other information (as listed on the left under 'Personal Data').
- Be clear about the purpose of sharing data, and only disclose what is necessary for that purpose, except in an emergency. An emergency in this context is classified as any concern you may have around someone putting themselves or someone else at risk.
- You should not be sharing any personal data with your fellow PAL Leaders.
- Always communicate using your BU email as a PAL Leader. Do not use your own email account (Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail etc.) when processing personal data relating to BU. You should not be sending emails with personal data to your private email account either. Encourage students to use their BU email account for all communications.
- If you think you may have breached data protection, please contact the Central PAL Team immediately at