“To assist (a person); to enable or allow (a person) to do something, achieve a particular result, etc., more easily.” (Oxford English Dictionary 2018)
“A person or organization assigned to facilitate progress towards a specific objective, esp. one whose role is to foster communication or understanding within a group of people, or negotiations between various parties; a mediator; a coordinator (esp. of a conference, discussion group, etc.).” (Oxford English Dictionary 2018)
“Impart knowledge to or instruct (someone) as to how to do something.” (Oxford English Dictionary 2019)
“One who gives lectures or formal discourses intended for instruction, esp. in a college or university.” (Oxford English Dictionary 2018)
Potential risks of teaching: Why it is important to be a facilitator
A teaching style of delivery is different to the approach you need to be taking as a facilitator e.g. less reliance on PowerPoint, more emphasis on encouraging discussion and interactive activities
During your sessions, there should be an 80/20 split in terms of contribution - 80% of the contribution and talking from the students and 20% from you as a facilitator (asking questions and setting tasks).