To access EndNote Online customisations specific to BU, e.g., the BU Harvard referencing style 'Harvard(BourneU)', you need to register with EndNote Online in a particular way depending on whether you are on campus or off campus.
This video takes you through the steps of creating an EndNote Online account.
Log into a BU machine or if using your own laptop make sure you are connected to the internet using 'BU-WiFi(R1.3), not 'BU-WiFi (Legacy)' or any other option including your own internet connection, e.g. a mobile phone hotspot.
Follow this link to the log in page for EndNote Online.
Click on 'Register' and follow the instructions. We recommend using your BU email account.
Log into a virtual University computer using VMWare Horizon guidance in Brightspace, in the section 'Step-by-Step user guides'. There are PDF or video guides to choose from.
If you use the PDF guide, you only need the section for your device; Windows from page 1, MacOS from page 8 and Chromebook, Apple iOS or Android devices from page 15.
Once you're in the virtual computer, follow this link to the log in page for EndNote Online.
Click on 'Register' and follow the instructions. We recommend using your BU email account.