The videos on this page help to you use Endnote with Microsoft Word using the Cite While You Write plugin. Your version of Word may look slightly different from the one used here: follow these videos in order, so you can
If you set up your reference list as it shows you in the 'make a reference list video', you should have already set BU Harvard as one of your favourites.
You can then easily select BU Harvard in the Endnote tab in Word where it says - 'style' - if you don't see it, choose 'select another style' and look for Harvard Bourne U.
You can download the Cite While Your Write plugin to your own device easily:
To adjust your citations you need to use the Edit & Manage Citations button:
Using the Endnote tab on the ribbon, you can insert citations and build your reference list:
You can adjust the display of your reference list: