PAL Contacts
This page contains the following sub-pages, as PAL Leaders would see them:
The PAL Team look after PAL for all four of the faculties at BU on both campuses.
The main contact for PAL is Aimée Fish (01202 965322, who can be found in DL129 in the Sir Michael Cobham Library at Talbot Campus.
The main contact for PAL in HSS is Michael Knight (01202 967421, who can be found in BG507 (Bournemouth Gateway Building) at the Lansdowne.
If you have any questions about PAL, please contact our main inbox, and someone will respond to you as promptly as possible.
You can find out more information about PAL at BU on the website.
On PAL Central (our online guidance for PAL Leaders), we also give the details of other relevant contacts: