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PAL Academic Course Contact Guide: HSS Strategy

This is a guide created by the Central PAL Team that provides information and advice on being a PAL Academic Course contact.

Faculty of Health and Social Science

Important: the information on this page is for the 23-24 academic year.

HSS will be delivering PAL sessions face-to-face for 23-24.

Professional Programmes

  • ​10 sessions through semester 1 and 2, timing of sessions depending on placements​
  • AHN, CaYPN, MHN, Midwifery, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, ODP, Paramedic Science, Social Work.

Traditional Programmes

  • 15 sessions through semester 1 (and into semester 2 possibly) starting the week after Induction and running with the timetables.
  • Sociology courses, Nutrition, Sports therapy, Sport and Exercise Science

PAL Leaders should not be carrying out any additional work than that listed in the strategy, either requested by academics or otherwise, as this has not been budgeted for.

If you have any questions or requests about the strategy, please contact Michael Knight at and cc the Central PAL Team ( into any communications regarding PAL matters.