Peer Assisted Learning is a scheme that is intended to foster cross-year support between students on the same course/ program pathway.
It encourages students to support each other and learn cooperatively under the guidance of students from the years above.
As PAL Leaders, you have just survived your first year of university and were in the same position as your PAL group this time last year!
PAL sessions are more frequent in your first semester, and less frequent in your second semester. They should be planned, structured and friendly! Remember, as a PAL leader you are not there to teach but to facilitate discussion, share experiences, and communicate our BU identity, for example how we can contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
PAL is not targeted at weak or problem students, all students in your PAL group should benefit. It’s also not a means of reducing existing lecturer-student contact, but should be more than just an environment for social chatting.