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PAL Academic Course Contact Guide: Facilitation Course

This is a guide created by the Central PAL Team that provides information and advice on being a PAL Academic Course contact.

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PAL Leader Facilitation Course

This page contains information about the mandatory PAL Leader training, which is essential before a Leader can begin PAL delivery.

PAL Leader training

Successful PAL Leaders who have completed all employment documentation are required to complete the mandatory PAL Leader training. The PAL leader training has previously taken a mixed method approach, using both online means and a face to face session. PAL Leaders will need to complete both aspects before they can begin their role as a PAL Leader:

In 19-20, we introduced a mixed method of online modules as well as a face to face facilitation course. Our PAL Leaders completed 2 hours of online modules before participating in the full day face to face session.

For 20-21, the face to face facilitation course has been adapted for virtual completion. This has been delivered via group MS Teams training sessions, facilitated by members of our training team.

For 21-22, we can confirm that the training format will be the same as 20-21; a combination of online training modules, and a virtual facilitation course on MS Teams.

If you would like to access our current online modules, please use the link below. You will be asked for a password - simply contact to receive this.