author, | 'title' | (year) | volume | journal abbreviation or name if no abbreviation is available | first page of article
e.g. Michael Akehurst, ‘Jurisdiction in International Law’ (1972-1973) 46 Brit Y B Int'l L 145
e.g. Akehurst M, ‘Jurisdiction in International Law’ (1972-1973) 46 Brit Y B Int'l L 145
To pinpoint, follow the citation with a comma and the page number. To pinpoint several pages, insert a dash between the page numbers:
e.g. Michael Akehurst, ‘Jurisdiction in International Law’ (1972-1973) 46 Brit Y B Int'l L 145, 149-150
In a footnote, cite an author's name as: first name(s) or initial(s) | surname.
In a bibliography, cite an author's name as: surname | initial(s).
Do not include postnominals, such as QC.
If no individual author is identified, but an organisation (e.g. BBC) claims responsibility for the work, then cite it as the author.
If no person or organisation claims responsibility for the work, begin the citation with the title.
Enclose the title in 'single quotation marks'.
Give the first letter of all major words a capital letter. Minor words (e.g. 'for', 'and', 'or', 'the') should not be capitalized, unless they begin a title or a subtitle.
If an article has a title and a subtitle that are not separated by punctuation, insert a colon : between them.
The year is always given in (round brackets).
Give the title of a year book in abbreviated form with no full stops.
For guidance on abbreviations, check the Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations. If no abbreviation is available, give the journal title in full.