As you will know yourself, as exciting as starting university is, it can also be quite daunting for some! Students often start university with a lot of concerns over their new surroundings and lifestyle.
Welcome freshers by sharing your experiences – why not create a short video with other PAL Leaders about your first year at BU? Or use PowerPoint to create a slideshow with photos and share your experiences about the course and uni life?
Giving tours around the campus are an excellent way to spend time with your students in a non-classroom environment, while also showing them around the university and their new surroundings.
You can be as imaginative as you like with this.
A normal campus tour is fine, but make sure you add your own tips and recommendations. For example, tell them the best place to get coffee, or the quietest time to use the gym, or take them on a sustainability tour to highlight what we do on our campuses to be more sustainable.
Take a selfie game! Set students off in groups on a hunt for different spots around the university, but they have to prove they have been there by taking a selfie in that spot. The fastest team to get a selfie in every spot win a prize.
Send groups of students to certain areas of the university to find out more about that area (such as Careers, the Library Help Desk, SUBU or AskBU) and get them to feedback what they found out to the group.
Have a look through the checklist below!