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PAL Central: PAL Leader Benefits

An online hub of guidance and resources for our PAL Leaders and their Level 4 students.

This page contains information on the benefits you can gain out of being a PAL Leader, such as:

  • A free PAL hoodie
  • Enhancing your CV (and personal development)
  • Fully trained and paid
  • Networking and conference opportunities
  • Skills Development Programme
  • Progression into other PAL roles
  • Free session resources
  • Reinforce your own learning
  • PAL Award ceremony
  • Support all year round from the Central PAL Team and your academics
  • Other benefits!

PAL Hoodies

As PAL Leaders are representatives of Bournemouth University and its Peer Assisted Learning Scheme, you have to look the part!!

You will receive your very own PAL hoodie in our iconic signature teal colour for you to wear around campus, but most importantly to your PAL sessions!

You will have requested your size on the form when you applied to be a PAL Leader - however if you have not specified your size to us, please email it to us.


Feedback from our current PAL Leader survey...

Feedback from our current PAL Leader survey respondents:

100% said that transferable skills were an important benefit they gained as a PAL Leader

100% said that supporting other students was an important benefit they gained as a PAL Leader

97% would recommend the role to other students

93% said they felt that being a PAL Leader had increased their employability

93% said that being a PAL Leader was a valuable experience


Hear From Our Leaders

Other Benefits

  • Presentation and leadership skills are matured over the academic year as the Leaders have to present with conviction on a weekly basis to a group of students.
  • PAL Leaders have indicated that, through their experiences in PAL, they have both developed their personal and professional skills and have gained experience that has proved valuable on their CV and at job interviews.
  • Leaders have to develop their time management skills when planning and delivering their PAL sessions.
  • Leaders also indicate the benefit of revisiting and reviewing Year 1 course materials again because this process helps to underpin their studies in year 2.
  • This is also an opportunity to make new friends and contacts from your PAL group and from the wider PAL Leader community at the University.

Paid role and training

The PAL Leader role is a paid position, £14.10 per hour, in line with the National Living Wage for student Leaders at BU. The role also comes with thorough in-depth, paid training to equip you with all the skills you'll need!

Enhance your CV

PAL will provide you with valuable experience to enhance your CV and future job prospects.

This includes the development of personal and employability skills such as leadership, organising, time management, listening, interpersonal communication, team working and facilitation.

It will enable you to gain confidence and develop your presentation skills.

Don't forget to put your PAL Leader role on your CV to show an application of the skills mentioned above, which are viewed highly in any workplace!

In the 20-21 academic year, we surveyed our Leaders and 93% of them said that they believed their experience had boosted their employability. 

PAL Award ceremony

Towards the end of each academic year, we host an award ceremony to recognise the efforts that everyone has put in. We host a series of special awards which we announce at this event, and we take nominations from all L4 students and members of staff in preparation! Being nominated or winning a special award not only gives you a prize, but rewards your efforts and is a great thing to mention during future employment. 


Stepping into PAL at BU brings you closer to a range of other paid student roles; Peer Support Leader, and Placement PAL Leader.

  • After being a PAL Leader during your L5, you are able to apply to be a Peer Support Leader during your L6. This position involves carrying out observations on the next set of PAL Leaders' sessions, and giving them professional constructive feedback - a very valuable skill!
  • Any PAL Leaders who proceed to undertake a Placement will be able to apply to be a 'Placement PAL Leader'. This role involves coaching L5 students on all things placement; applying to roles, finding them, and attending interviews!

Please note: recruitment for the Placement PAL Leader or Peer Support Leader role is not guaranteed until the Central PAL Team or the departments confirm so via email. 


We encourage you to get as creative as possible in your sessions, and we have resources that you can borrow to do just that!

In the PAL office in DL102, we have the following resources that you can sign out and use:

  • Flipchart papers (ideal for posters and group work)
  • Name labels (ideal for your first few sessions to learn your students' names)
  • Post it notes
  • Extra board markers
  • Balls of string
  • Jenga
  • Twister
  • Lego

PAL in a picture

Aurora Caon previous Business Studies PAL Leader summarises what PAL represented to her in a picture of her choice! 

Please click the image above to watch the video.

To apply to be a PAL Leader, please see here:

Conference opportunities

Being a PAL Leader brings many wider opportunities, such as having the chance to attend the annual National PAL conference!

This conference brings together attendees from universities all around the UK, Ireland, and Europe! It's a fantastic opportunity to share experiences, develop skills, learn new practices... and none of the expenses will be paid by you!

Please note: The annual National PAL conference cannot be guaranteed until the Central PAL Team confirm. 

Skills Development Programme

The BU Skills Development Programme is the extracurricular skills programme at BU which sits as a part of the Careers & Employability Service.

This programme is open to all current students no matter what level of study or discipline. The aim of the programme is to encourage students to engage with extracurricular activities, events and online resources that will support their employability skills development and prepare them for entering the world of work.  

It is a perfect addition to your studies, enhancing your future and recognising your achievement above and beyond your academic degree.

Being a PAL Leader is recognised as part of the BU Skills Development Programme. If you are currently taking part in the BU Skills Award Pilot you can gain credit towards your BU Skills Award by being a PAL Leader.

Find more about the Programme here:


We don't expect you to know everything when you apply! Through our Facilitation Course and PAL Leader training, you'll gain the skills you need to be an effective Leader.

Even after this point, we'll still be here to support you until the end of the year with 1-2-1s at your request, and frequent group meetings that'll be open to all Leaders. 

We want to help you be the best Leader you can be!